Who is refractive cataract surgery for?
Refractive cataract surgery is for anybody who’s got a cataract.
Cataracts allow less light into the eye and can cause an overall clouding and general reduction in the quality of vision. It creeps up on people slowly.
The people that would benefit the most from the refractive aspects of cataract surgery are those that have had active and full lives. These people have had hobbies and leisure interests and a life of being active and independent. Therefore, it’s important for everyone who has got a cataract to get their vision back. Cataract surgery is one of the most successful interventions in medicine and has satisfaction outcomes, which are very high indeed. It’s an incredibly rewarding surgery to perform.
Take the first step to understand your unique cataract surgery options
Most people don’t get given information about all the options they actually have surrounding cataract surgery. Did you know it is not only possible to fix your cataracts but you can often fix your reading and/or distance vision at the same time? Click the button below to request a personal consultation and get clear on all of your options.
I have patients who have specific requirements. For example, they have hobbies like playing golf, driving racing cars, sailing, swimming, bowls, painting, crosswords, artwork and crochet. People have a huge range of leisure interests that are important to them, and getting the outcome of this intervention just right for these people makes a huge difference to their lifestyle.
By offering patients a range of lens choice options, I can correct their astigmatism and provide them with multifocality, so that they not only get their distance vision but they’re able to see near, and middle distances too. This makes a big difference.
There are patients of mine who sail or fly planes, they need to see in the distance, but they also have control panels, which are arms-length away, and they might need to read close up. Therefore, the ability to see those things without having to first look for a pair of glasses or a pair of varifocal glasses where you have to look up or look down makes a big difference. Varifocal glasses have a higher power lower in the lens, but if you’re a pilot and you have to look up, the varifocal part is in the wrong place. Therefore, advising a patient on a solution that is specific to their lifestyle and requirements, and then achieving that outcome, is very rewarding for me as well as for the patient.
I invite you to book a consultation to determine your suitability for refractive cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange. It’s the only way to determine your suitability for these procedures and to have an in-depth discussion regarding the risks and benefits of each of them. I look forward to seeing you there and taking you through the journey to achieving your desired postoperative outcome.
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Prof Mohammed Muhtaseb, FRCOphth
Consultant Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgeon
iLase is the private practice of Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Prof Mohammed Muhtaseb. Based in South Wales, he is one of the very few ophthalmologists working in the UK who is a fellowship-trained specialist in Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery. He holds full specialist registration with the General Medical Council and was appointed as a Consultant in the NHS in 2006.